Putting a Giant Smile on my Life

I walked out of my house this morning weighed down by thoughts of things about work and life.  Nothing so heavy to leave me immobile, but enough to color my vision of the day and put a certain melancholy to my heart.  Thoughts became disjointed and I was not feeling particularly optimistic. It is really not a pleasant state of mind to be in and can be the dismal backdrop of your whole day’s experience.

It is funny that it is on days like this that I really need to reach out and talk to friends and for some reason I retreat from them.  I think it is because it is hard for me to articulate what I am feeling. I know that I am facing, partly, some residual from failed relationship attempts,  career rethinking and also this desire I have to live in as much authentic and genuine space as possible.

The social life has been fun but where I reside in my heart and my mind is some place more meaningful and authentic.  When things are on a roll that are not congruent with that, it wears on me.  I can feel it.

So,  one off my Facebook friends send me a sweet reminder “To put a giant smile on my life.”   I don’t think when he sent it that he realized the effect it would have on me.  It immediately pulled me out of my stupor.  I smiled.  It caused tears to flow.   I found clarity.  I knew that I was simply on  my journey and that I was simply needing to re-calibrate. This was just a rough patch.

I thanked my friend for his thoughtfulness .  He reached across even though he lived another city.  It warmed my heart.

He later posted the link to this music video below.  Sometimes one needs to be lost to the moments and the joys of life.  It means leaving all the garbage that weighs us down and get in tune with the rhythm of the present.  That freeing allows us to  truly unburden and to really live life in purity.

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